Wave Neuroscience brings the future of mental healthcare to your clinic with our non-pharmaceutical, precision neuromodulation technology.
The problem has never been better understood and the outcomes have never been better.
Wave's proprietary MeRT™ (Magnetic EEG-Guided Resonance Therapy) technology is the only patented approach to EEG-guided frequency-targeted neuromodulation, powered by the largest pre and post treatment EEG database in the world. Wave is the first and only EEG analytics platform utilizing machine learning to deliver a personalized brain health report and bespoke treatment parameters for patients.
Our individualized care model marks a paradigm shift in mental health care.
Individuals are desperate for a long-lasting and non-pharmaceutical solution.
Wave’s deep understanding of the Default Mode Network dynamics combined with our EEG database enables us to craft treatment plans that enhance communication within the brain, fostering a truly individualized approach with better outcomes.
Join us in the pursuit towards more personalized, non-pharmaceutical mental health care.
Over the last 12 years, Wave has grown the idea of a physics based approach to brain health to a global network of world-class professionals empowered by our technology suite, with more than twenty thousand treated patients and counting.
Our expert advisory panel, 76-patent portfolio, and foundation of third-party research continue to grow as we pursue democratized brain optimization and a healthier society.
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